You are currently browsing the category archive for the ‘gift’ category.

Blog as journal.  Blog as organizational tool. Blog as archive.  Blog as command center.  Yes!

My favorite gift received this holiday season:

when what I wanted most was fiber and containers.  Perfect!

Recent book acquisition: The Art of Embroidery by Françoise Tellier-Loumagne. It was while perusing this book that I decided to use my blog once more, as a sort of workbook. A place to continue documenting my journey through the world of fiber art. Perhaps it is winter weather keeping me inside, off my bike, stitching and slowly revisiting the internet.
I have everything to learn about composition!

from work that is. I am feeling a bit dragged down by this cold, which I have not been babying. As much if not a bit more beer drinking than usual these days. ah, the perils of working in a pub…
We have an old Martin Mull comedy record with a funny bit about how to meet musicians if you want to start a band or something. In the sheet music store of course! Then they launch into 2001 Polkas…
anyway, my recent trips to Joann fabrics have been much like this. The last two forays into that mega-store, to buy thread et al, have resulted in fantastic visits with fellow stitchers that have led to home visits and even stash reduction! I have been going through my fire damaged yarn and fabric stashes, and the whole lot needs some serious culling. I guess more was saved than I had originally thought, but really, I am working, ever working, towards greater selectivity.
Good-bye, kidsilk haze!

I was framing pictures yesterday but didn’t have my camera with me. (I so rarely do.) Last night I got home from work and found my camera in my bed. I guess when I laid down for an afternoon nap, I took it up with me, as if I would find moments that begged to be snapped! Anyway, I’m about due for another long perusal through soph’s stitch blog in search of more photo tutorials. Her DIY art and photography schools are truly an invaluable resource. Mmmm, and she sent me a lovely mix cd post fire, too. Thanks, Soph!

Speaking of thanks, I must publicly acknowledge receipt of a lovely addition to our family, from jude of Spirit Cloth. this little fellow!

It rode around with me in my pocket for weeks after it’s arrival.

Sunday was an amazing dance day in Portland at Performance Works Northwest. We were doing further work on the Tuning Score. Lisa Nelson, who developed this means of exploration, is coming for an intensive in not too long…
Sunday’s whole experience deserves a lengthy elaboration, one that I do not have the inclination for in this moment. I should like to get back and make a post about it soon. Perhaps I will.

Here is a postcard for you all.

There seems to be no end to the fear. In my sweetest moments, when all is as it should be, I am somehow able to absorb and transmute that fear into a planar element, into part of the whole, but if I am not consciously in focus or blindsided by some Natural High, the Shadow is there, a razor’s edge. I can only hope to maintain awareness of its presence, and will the blood to flow clear and bright.

wasps nest in my living space

wasp’s nest in my living space

I got a killer package in the mail from vlada who is fucking brilliant and whom I have long had a craft crush on.

There were many things in the box, among them clothes to thrill my daughters, but for me these are the stand-outs:



what more can I say? (except maybe check out my victorian paisley shawl!)

actually I do have few more words. I was contemplating silk yesterday, as per this post by jude. What do I know of silk? not much… I have little call to the silk road, being of a woolen bent, but as I was driving along the big river, looking at the myriad greys caught in the water’s surface, I realized that perhaps silk is the only fiber that can hold light like water. Worth further meditation, and perhaps experimentation.