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I’m back…
I just processed a few photos I took a week or two ago down at the foot of the bridge that crosses the Mighty Big river (call it Columbia if you will). Mark and some friends had gone out to surf the clapotis (no, it’s not just a scarf) and I wanted to see if I could capture some of the fun with my new camera.

three boats



now there’s a happy Mark.

more on my flickr.

I do think I will start in on the 365 days diary. I have been enjoying pictures that much.

I got a killer package in the mail from vlada who is fucking brilliant and whom I have long had a craft crush on.

There were many things in the box, among them clothes to thrill my daughters, but for me these are the stand-outs:



what more can I say? (except maybe check out my victorian paisley shawl!)

actually I do have few more words. I was contemplating silk yesterday, as per this post by jude. What do I know of silk? not much… I have little call to the silk road, being of a woolen bent, but as I was driving along the big river, looking at the myriad greys caught in the water’s surface, I realized that perhaps silk is the only fiber that can hold light like water. Worth further meditation, and perhaps experimentation.

sky over the Big river

April has been gracing us with some mighty fine skies.

when driving home
If you look closely, you can see the green haze that is the hills over yonder.