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My friend Kris at the Bike Garage here in Astoria told me about Parkour today.

I spent some time on the balance board after that; it’s raining so hard, and sideways at that, I can’t conceive of bike riding but I have goals, yes I have goals. I know I am older than some, and a bit old to be discovering my inner athlete (and let me tell you that bones heal slower at 40 than 20, as I found out skateboarding a few months back…) I have mentioned proprioception before however, and I can’t shake that fascination. It’s in me deep.

So, training begins.
I am going to yoga tomorrow.
Finally, after much procrastination. I even bought a mat! And I had to make a bag for it tonight. Of course!
bag for mat
oh for a nice crisp picture…

Yeah, it’s flooding out in Skamokawa! here’s a photo and a post. Thanks Mark. Glad I’m not there!

I think I will start a new feature: the Daily Discovery. Today’s was clearly Parkour!
good night!

I have some work hanging in a show curated by Roger Hayes, the venue is the Cannon Beach Arts Association.

meander 1
(here is a larger view.)

Alice at the opening.

My good friend Sally Lackaff, standing in front of one of Roger’s paintings.

Roger is brilliant, and I was honored that I was invited to be a part of this show.

It is a beautiful sunny day here at the mouth of the Mighty Big river.

i trade
hee hee. I have been needing a little sign along these lines for my craft table so I thought I would make today’s random stitch exercise have a purpose.

so hey! I was tagged by helle the other day to do the 7 things meme. Random facts or habits? okay!
1. My car is usually at least half full of other people’s recycling.
2. I have spiral tattoos on the top of both feet.
3. I lived for several years without electricity. We always kept a car stereo available, powered by batteries, and usually one light, but little else.
4. I have dandruff.
5. I am passionately interested in insects.
6. For about a decade (when I was a kid), I thought I was going to be a professional actress (not a star). I was really into theater. However, I haven’t been in a play in over 20 years now.
7. I have a growing desire to be completely nomadic, on foot.

I tag 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

It was hard to pick people to tag. why? cause I don’t read a lot of blogs (it’s so hard to find the time!), and I have not commented on some of the blogs I do read, given the need for a google/blogger account which I haven’t gotten yet. also, I haven’t been blogging long outside of lj and I don’t think my blog is widely read…yet.

So, I had a breakneck weekend with tons of fun and very few stitches (outside of my mandatory daily rows on the Irish Diamond shawl). Saturday was Mark’s and my 16th wedding anniversary. Sally and Roger treated the whole family to dinner at Astoria, Oregon’s new Fort George brewpub. It was great food and drink (wasabi ginger ale!) and after dinner we wandered the Saturday night streets in sunglasses (well, I was) looking for deesert and checking out the action.
I could go on about the wonders of being married for so long, but it will have to wait. It is amazing, though. Over these long years, I have learned things I never imagined existed.

Sunday had Kate and I driving up to Seattle for a glitter meetup, glitter being an online forum. It is an odd thing, being willing to drive hours to hang out with people you have never really met. But Kate and I are fast real life friends and we met through the internet so whatever. It was a blast.
Here’s a funny photo of all of us. I’m in front, go check it out, I’ve got on this totally fab capelet somone gave me. Plus you can see the new sunglasses…

To add to the fun, a couple of us were stopped on the street by a young guy with a camera who said he was doing a street fashion piece for the Seattle PI. There goes one minute of my alloted 15 of fame…except I haven’t been able to find the photo online…

well I have a bit of stiching to do before bed, so I’m off. G’night!

Warning: If you are my Beautiful Use swap partner reading this blog, don’t scroll down! I’m going to show off the stuff I made for you.

Here’s a pic of Opal to divert you…
a glam shot while exploring

So, now, I have been working on working on items for a Glitter version of the Beautiful Use swap, and I wrapped all the last bits up and sent it yesterday.

beautiful use swap, wrapped

In these little packages are the following:
tote made for a swap
made from thrifted and gifted fabrics entirely. I am not happy with the way the bottom sags, I boxed those corners but still. It’s a nice bag.

after reading this post on soph’s blog, I decided to improve the way I go about lining bags.
lining of the tote
and because I like taking those macro shots like the big girls:
fabric from finland
fabric from Suomi.

also in there was the finished product, the results of the first of my french knot studies, on knit and fulled fabric (yarn from Grand View Farm).
fulled cozy
I decided to go with the natural shape of the fulled piece rather than cut it. It’s a cozy, I guess. (It’s really a vehicle for the knotting practice…)
notecards with fashion illustrations by Opal.
Pluis some buttons for good measure.

It was a good swap for me; very instructive, and I am getting better about working through projects, trying to train myself out of procrastination. I was still late on the send-out, though.

so there’s some craft content for ya.